Kenya is home to more than ten lakes. Most of these lakes are located along the Great African Rift Valley which extends from Jordan to Mozambique. The rift valley has some of the largest, deepest, and oldest lakes in the World, with Kenya hosting a few.
Lakes in Kenya are classified either as saltwater or freshwater lakes. Saltwater or saline lakes differ from freshwater lakes in terms of their dissolved salts and mineral content.
List of saltwater and freshwater lakes in Kenya.
Freshwater Lakes
- Lake Victoria
- L. Mukunganya (Lamu)
- Lake Naivasha
- Lake Baringo
- L. Ellis (Mt. Kenya)
Saltwater Lakes
- Lake Bogoria
- L. Turkana
- Lake Elementaita
- L.Magadi
- Lake Nakuru
Other Lakes
- Lake Challa
- L. Jipe
- Lake Ol’ Bolossat
- Lake Logipi.
Which lakes in Kenya have Flamingos?
One of the best tourist attractions in Kenya is the flamingos in the rift valley lake system. Tourists visit from all over the world to experience the spectacle of these wonderful pink birds.
Kenya has two types of flamingos. The greater flamingo and the Lesser flamingos. True to their name, the former are bigger and taller in size. They have light pink beaks with a visible black tip. However, the lesser flamingos have a deeper pink color on their feathers, and their beaks are a deep red – with a black tip.
Flamingos mate for life. The majority of them are found in Lake Natron, a saltwater lake in Tanzania where they mate. Afterward, they migrate to Kenya to feed on organisms and algae in the saltwater lakes in Kenya. These lakes include Lake Nakuru, Lake Elementaita, and Lake Bogoria.
Which are the best lakes to visit in Kenya?
Lakes in Kenya, particularly along the Rift valley, are undeniably gorgeous. That’s not to say that the rest are ugly – they are pretty in their way. But, you must admit, the Rift valley lakes, with their flamingos and nearby hiking trails are a special treat for the eyes. If you’re looking for flamingos, sunset, and hiking trails Elementaita is just the ticket. However, if you want to camp away from towns and cities, go to Lake Ellis, Chala, or Jipe.
Read More: List of National Parks and Reserves in Kenya
Featured Photo: Lake Nakuru photo by muthengi mbuvi on Unsplash