Are you trying to book the SGR train between Nairobi and Mombasa or using Metickets Platform?
If yes, here are the most Frequently asked questions about Metickets and SGR Madaraka Express Trains and the InterCounty trains.
What are the Available SGR Madaraka Express Trains?
There are three trains every day from either Nairobi to Mombasa or Mombasa to Nairobi. The Morning train is Inter-County; meaning that it stops along all the intermediary stations along the SGR line. Afternoon and Night trains or Madaraka Express are express trains – they don’t stop at any intermediate stations. They travel directly between Nairobi and Mombasa.
What is the latest Schedule for SGR Trains?
- Morning Train: 08:00 AM – 02:00 PM
- Afternoon Train: 03:00 PM – 08:08 PM
- Night Train: 10:00 PM – 03:35 AM
How to buy SGR tickets or SGR Online Booking?
- Dial *639# from your Safaricom Mobile Line
- Book Madaraka Express and SGR ONLINE
- Visit the nearby station with original travel documents.
What is SGR Metickets?
Metickets or Madaraka Express Tickets is an online platform where travelers can reserve, book, and pay for SGR Tickets. The payments are made via Mpesa app by Safaricom.
How will you get the tickets after making a payment with Mpesa?
Once you pay for your tickets, you’ll receive a Mpesa Message with an Account Number. You’ll use the Account Number together with your Mobile Number (the one you used to book) to print your boarding pass/ticket at the station on or before the day of travel. Printing machines are located at the ticketing lounge of the station – entrance.
What are the Fare Prices for SGR Tickets?
There are two classes on the SGR trains. Each class has its own price as indicated here.
- First Class: Kshs 3000
- Second Class: Kshs 1000
Kids below 3 years: Free
Kids between 3 years and 11 Years: Half Price
Anyone Above 11 Years: Full Price
The Fare for the morning train depends on which intermediate station you alight from.
What are the Train Stations for SGR Inter-County Trains?
There are 7 intermediate train stations between Nairobi Terminus and Mombasa Terminus. From Mombasa these stations include; Athi River, Emali, Kibwezi, Mtito Andei, Voi, Miasenyi, and Mariakani.
Any other questions?
Do you have any other questions about Metickets Platform or Madaraka Express Train? If yes, contact us via email (
Featured Photo by Kenya Railways