Best Buses from Nairobi to Garissa

Nairobi to Garissa is one of the routes with the best long-distance upcountry buses in Kenya. These bus companies ferry passengers from the capital city to the northeastern town of Garissa. And their buses pass through other towns like Thika and Mwingi. Also proceeding to Hagadera and Wajir.

How long is it from Nairobi to Garissa?

The distance from Garissa town to Nairobi City is about 330 Kilometers or 205 Miles.

The bus from Garissa to Nairobi takes about 7 hours. It travels through Mwingi town in Kitui County and Thika town in Kiambu County.

However, if you are on a self-drive, the driving distance between Nairobi to Garissa is 328 km and takes approximately 6 hours.

How much does it cost from Nairobi to Garissa?

Bus fare from Nairobi to Garissa town and Vice Versa costs Kshs 1,500 ($15). These fares fluctuate depending on the season but do not exceed Kshs 2,500 ($25).

Buses From Nairobi to Garissa

These buses operate along the Thika-Garissa road. Besides being on time, they are comfortable and clean. Passengers can board these buses from Eastleigh. The bus ticket cost Kshs 2,500. Below is a list of the top 5 best buses from Nairobi to Garissa town.

#1 Alma Air Bus

Alma is one of the leading bus companies in Kenya offering passenger services between Capital City and Garissa town. They have a fleet of classic Scania buses and their crew is great.

Alma Bus contacts

Garissa office: 070003070
Nairobi office: 0791088729

#2 Garissa Coach

Garissa Coach is the most popular bus transportation company along the route, serving nearly 15 locations.

Contacts: 0721 211770

#3 Planet Coach

Planet Coach is also a leading bus company in Garissa county. They operate passenger buses between northeastern towns and the capital city via Mwingi and Thika.

Their main office is situated on the ground floor of Madina Mall in Eastleigh.

Contacts: 0721 915588

#4 Alpha Bus

Alpha Bus is a passenger bus company based in Eastleigh, Nairobi. It operates a stylish and comfortable fleet of buses to Garissa.

Contacts: 0742 409 357

#5 Rayan Coach Ltd

Rayan Coach Limited boasts of providing travelers with comfort and convenience from booking and boarding to alighting their buses. Besides passenger transport, they deliver parcels to major towns in the country. And the company has a functional Rayan Coach Online Booking system.

Online booking website:

Contacts: 0745 129 233



I have shared information about buses from Nairobi to Moyale. They include Moyale Liner and Laban Coach. And the buses cost from Kshs 2,000.

Also Read: Best Buses From Nairobi to Mombasa