SGR Train from Nairobi to Voi Schedule and Booking

Embark on a captivating rail journey with our in-depth guide to the Train from Nairobi to Voi. Uncover essential travel insights, schedules, ticket details, and the picturesque landscapes awaiting you on this scenic Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) route. It starts from the capital city, Nairobi, to one of Kenya’s best travel destinations, Voi.

Schedule for the SGR Train from Nairobi to Voi

There are two daily trains from Nairobi to Voi (N2 and E2). The first train is commonly known as the SGR Inter-county or morning train. It departs Nairobi Terminus at 08:00 AM and arrives at Voi Station at 12:02 PM. The second train (Madaraka Express) departs at 03:00 PM and arrives in Voi at 06:48 PM.

  • Train N2: Nairobi to Voi (08:00 AM – 12:02 PM)
  • Train E2: Nairobi to Voi (03:00 PM – 06:48 PM)


Prices for SGR Train from Nairobi to Voi

Each train from Nairobi to Voi has two classes (First Class and Economy Class). Seats for first-class coaches are more expensive than the ones for economy-class coaches. However, they are more comfortable and have a charging socket outlet.

  • First Class: Ksh 3200
  • Economy Class: Ksh 1050

Note: Children between 3 and 11 years pay the total price, while those below 3 years travel free of charge.

SGR Train from Nairobi to Voi

How to book the trains from Nairobi to Voi online

Below is the step-by-step process for booking the Madaraka Express  from Nairobi Terminus to Voi Station.

1. If you don’t have Mpesa (for international visitors)

For those traveling from abroad who do not have Mpesa, you can use a reputable company such as BookAway to book your train tickets from Nairobi to Voi. Alternatively, you can ask your friends, family, or accommodation facility in Nairobi to make the SGR booking on your behalf.

2. If you have Mpesa

  • Go to Metickets booking platform
  • Select the train type (Inter County or Express)
  • Select your departure and arrival stations
  • Click on your preferred departure date
  • Click on Book a Train
  • Select the number of passengers and train class
  • Fill out the passenger details
  • Enter your Mpesa Mobile Number
  • Proceed to Pay and enter your Mpesa PIN once prompted

FAQs: Train from Nairobi to Voi

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about SGR from Nairobi to Voi.

How long does the SGR take to go from Nairobi to Voi?

The inter-county train takes 4 hours and 2 minutes. On the other hand, Madaraka Express to Voi takes 3 hours and 48 minutes.

How much is the SGR from Nairobi to Voi?

The SGR price from Nairobi to Voi depends on class and age. The first class is Ksh 3200, while economy class is Ksh 1050. Booking websites such as BookAway and Kenya Train Travel will charge more for the services.

At what time does SGR leave Nairobi to Voi?

The morning train leaves at 08:00 AM, while the express train leaves at 03:00 PM.

Does Madaraka Express stop at Voi?

Yes. It stops at Voi at 12:02 PM and 06:48 PM every day.

How to book the SGR train from Nairobi to Voi online?

Besides using the official Kenya Railways booking website (Metickets), you can opt for a service like BookAway.